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Python Interpreter - Difference between Compiler & Interpreter - Python Tutorials

In our series of Python tutorials previously we discussed about the Basics of Python and Installation of Python in video tutorials as well. Here in this part lets discuss about Python Interpreters. Interpreter and Compiler:             As a software developer, we use different types of programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python depends upon our requirement. We all know that the programming languages which a human can understand are called as high-level programming language. But: The computer understands only machine learning, Hence it is needed to convert or translate the code into the machine language. Interpreter and Compilers are used to convert the source code into the machine code. What is an Interpreter? The interpreter is nothing but a program which reads and executes the code. It includes different types of codes such as Source code, Compiler code . Most common interpreters available are Python , Ruby and PERL in which they execute their respective co

Understanding Python Interpreter

How Python Runs Programs? Normally, programmers write their own python scripts with the .py extension, that are independent in the python environment. the".py" extension, which tells the operating system that the file is Python program this need to be executed in python.  After that OS decides and the interpreter is invoked, it reads the file and interprets the file. The way in which Python scripts are run on Windows and other operating systems is very different. How You Run Programs?  If you are already known to run some other languages like C, C++, Java, It is simple to run the program using an interpreter, you can able to run either command prompt or using the IDLE. Before that check here to know How to Install Python? Following are the steps to run the python file on your own,  Step 1: Open the IDLE of python and then type your code just press enter the result will be printed on your screen. Step 2: Run Python Script open the new file in the fil