In this part of the tutorial, we are going to discuss about Function in python. Before going into it, Let’s have a quick recap to the Python Basics we had previously completed. Learn Python from scratch by our Expert instructor Start Now! When programming, you will encounter the calculation and logical operation you need to perform repeatedly. One way to handle this is to write the same code over. A better solution is to write a function, function enable you to reuse the logic an infinite number of times without repeating yourself. Time to begin, Definition A function is a block of code which runs in a certain oreder is called it by name . It can be passed data to operate on the parameters and can return value. All data that is passed to a function is explicitly passed. Benefits of Python Function Reuse of code Reducing duplication of ...
Introduction: Python is most popular and high level programming language designed by Guido van Rossum in the year of 1991. You can use it to build web development, Game Development, Machine Learning Algorithm, etc and also You can even make robots using python. Basic syntax of a python program is easy and simple than other programming languages.Python programs can be written using any text editor and should have the extension .py. Before going further into Python syntax,I recommend you to read about the basics of Python . This Python Tutorial will explain about the basic syntax in Python with example programs. FREE PDF – Python course content. First Python Program: Type the following content at the Python prompt and press the Enter: print “Welcome” The output will be - Welcome Comments in Python: ...